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In the world of fishing, fishing rods and spinner baits have specific importance as fishing is almost impossible without these tools. Spinnerbaits are the basic spinners for catching a brass fish and some other large fishes.  But to use a spinner bait one should know how to use it.

What is a spinner bait?

A spinner bait is the most common and versatile fishing rod used for catching brass fish(found both in fresh and marine water) or other species of fish as well. And it is nothing new in the fishing world to fishers as they have been using it for over 25 years.

Usually, it consists of a single hook on one end with a body made of plastic or other material and the other end consists of one or more blades. These blades produce a type of motion in the water. 

Large brass fishes can be caught easily By using a spinner bait. We can say that these are brass catching machines. This is one of the strongest spinners and is available in a variety of sizes, shapes, weighs, and colours.

How to tie a spinner bait A COMPLETE GUIDE

  Here is a variety of methods available for tying a spinnerbait but, To tie a  spinner bait three methods are most common.

1- clint knot

Go the line through the eye of the bait.

While holding the label end, turn the bait multiple times.

Pass the label end through the circle closest to the eye.

Wet the knot!!!

Cautiously snap the bunch tightly, managing the label end if essential.

It is one of the easiest knots and can be made easily so if you are a beginner it is highly recommended to you. Start your fishing journey with it and you will definitely like it.

2- Palomar knot

For casting a small lure the Palmore knot is the best; it is also the strongest knot. For a Palmore knot, the basic steps are as follows.

Go your line through the eye of the lure.

Making a long circle, pass the line back through the eye.

With the circle in one hand and the principal and slogans in the other, tie an overhand bunch, leaving a long segment of the circle free.

Ignore that circle the whole draw.

Wet the bunch!!!

Cautiously snap the bunch down.

It is also easy and many fishers recommend it so, you should probably try it

3- Trilene knot

It is a multipurpose knot used to attach monofilament threads to the hook. It is also known as TWO TURN CLINCH KNOT. The steps are as follows

Pass the stopping point through the eye of the snare or bait twice making a circle behind the eye.

Make five or six folds over the standing line with the label end.

Feed the label end through the two hoops.

Saturate the bunch and pull tight with consistent tension.

Pull the knot tight 

What kind of blades should be used[types]?

 The selection of blades will have a direct impact on the number of fish in your boat. So picking up the right blade is important.

There are many kinds of blades used in this regard but the most common and main are three blade shapes.


         It has two blades attached to the wire. These blades are almost rigid and also dont vibrate much.


         It is an oval-shaped blade attached to the wire which is further attached to the wire. Because of the swirl present between blade and wire, they can move entirely.


         These are the blades in between a willow and colorado blades and are the intermediate ones. It is oval-shaped with a point on one end

All the above three blade types come in different sizes for different reasons. Both the most common sizes for a blade range from 0-8 in the eight is the largest one.

The colors of the blades are also available in different varieties. But common is GOLD and SILVER.

How do you rig a spinner bait? 

Rigging a spinner bait can feel a bit challenging but it is not tough at all. You just have to practice a bit and you are ready to rig a bait by yourself.

What is the best knot?

You can use the spinner of your choice as everyone has his own choice but the best one is the Palomar knot. It is also considered the basic spinner. As it can deal with the strong hits too. For fishing, this is the main thing to deal with and the  Palomar has a specialty in it. It is simple yet effective.

The clinch knot is also one you can say best as it is done with monofilament so you can deal with it easily. It is also easy to tie and will not take your time. And if you are new in this field then it is most suitable to you.So why don't you use it?

How do you set up a spinner?

Setting up a spinner bait is not a tough task at all but following the steps as they are is important. One should know these steps before setting the spinner. This is the main thing and will definitely help in fishing large brass. Follow the steps given below so you can set up your spinner perfectly;

1-Fish the spinner bait with a light monofilament line.

2-Attach a bright, fast-moving lure to draw in fish

3-Use a tandem spinner to keep the bait high in the water. 

The best size of spinnerbait?

In general, when people cast brass with a spinnerbait they prefer the 3 main sizes which are ½ oz, ⅜ oz, and 1/4  oz. These sizes serve most fishing areas and are more helpful. If the fish are not getting in try the smaller ones it may help.

What can I catch on my spinner bait? 

If the water in which you are fishing has predators so there are some chances of catching them on your spinner bait. Other than that the brass fish is probably the most popular one to catch on the spinner bait.

 Final thoughts

Fishing, especially brass, could be very rewarding if you are using spinnerbaits. Once you learn how to tie a spinner bait, put the spinner in the water and cast the bait. Because of the availability of a wide range of colors, weights, and styles, you will probably never get bored of using spinnerbaits. So good luck and have a nice day.


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