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                                          15 BEST  SMALL BUSINESS IDEAS. Working 9-5 for a job is pretty exhausting, you just have to do work, work, and work sometimes suffers insults from the boss too. And it adds fuel to the fire when you don't get enough reward for your hard work. An employee has a fixed amount on which he has to survive for the whole month while a man who owns a business does not face such things; he has his own timings, schedules, chances of more income, etc. It is because he has an opportunity [ the more he works, the more he gets] which an employee doesn’t have. A businessman can even get double or triple profit on just one sale, so he has the most chances of success. So why not start a business today, and if you have no idea which type of business you should start then you came to the right place. This article is for anyone who is searching for business ideas. Following are some business ideas you can do with small investments. PHOTOGRAPHY. The world is get